• Chapter in Edited Books:
    • 2020: Exploring the 'lived' middle class: Everyday experiences, anxieties and adjustments, in the Edited Book The Middle Class in World Society: Negotiations, Diversities and Lived Experiences (ed. Suter, Christian; Madheswaran, S; Vani, B. P.)". Routledge, London. {ISBN: 9781003049630}. View Chapter here
    • 2021: The Kashmiri Middle Class and its Everyday Politics, published in the Edited Book Beyond Consumption: India's New Middle Class in the Neo-liberal Times'". Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), London and New York. {ISBN: 9780367565718}. View chapter Here
    • 2022: From Frames of Victimhood to that of Othering: Mapping Media Representations of Refugees', published in the Edited Book Titled 'The Routledge Handbook of Refugees in India'". Routledge. {ISBN: 9780367531096}. View Chapter here
      Research Paper in Journal:
      • "Street Vendors Using Smartphones for Digital Payments: A Qualitative Study of Digital Opportunities and Inequalities From Kashmir Region in India" Journal of Asian and African Studies, DOI No. 10.1177/00219096231218437 {ISSN: 17452538}. View here