About Journal

The Journal of Kashmir Studies, currently in its 7th volume, is focussed on the study of Kashmir region across discplinary understandings in Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities. The journal is published by the Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Kashmir since 2006. The journal is multi-lingual and has published articles in English, Hindi and Kashmiri.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Study of Kashmiri Language and Culture.
  • Vernacular and Folk Traditions.
  • Social Anthropology of Kashmir.
  • Kashmir History and Society.
  • Media and Politics in Kashmir.
  • Kashmiriyat and Sufism.
  • Religion and Religious Practices in Kashmir.

Contact: For any querry, write to us on kashmirstudies@kashmiruniversity.ac.in, and CC the same to mohdyousufganaiku@gmail.com and ibrahim@uok.edu.in.

Phone/Mob: 01942420405 (Office of IKS), 600698970 (Editor), 9987510323 (Associate Editor)
